Saturday, 15 March 2008

Why do boys like breasts so much?

Because they're wicked, is all I can offer. Well actually there is a genetic reason; apparently it's because they look like bums. But surely that begs the question: why do boys like bums? And I'm not sure I can answer that. But basically boys are programmed to like breasts and we can't do anything about it.

Anyway, what's not to like? They're soft, which means they can't hurt you even if you accidentally smashed your head against them - and you can't say that about many body parts. Plus they're kind of bouncy - and I defy you to name anything bouncy that is bad.

There's also the fact we rarely get to see them in real life. If girls everywhere insisted on always wearing earmuffs, I bet boys would be well into ears, you get me? Or maybe it's simply because we haven't got any, meaning our only access to baps is via girls. I've always wondered if lesbians like breasts as much as boys do. In fact I've been meaning to ask a lesbian this but keep forgetting. But now I'm just groping around desperately (for an explanation). It's clear there is no definitive answer.

Lovely stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

boys like boobs becasue they can suck on them like a baby. they are squashy, bouncy and sexy.