Sunday, 9 March 2008

Handsome, Cute, or Hot? Which do lads prefer to be called?

-for Carly, who is missing my blogs: And Sarah, who actually asked the question-
-and for you, who is actually reading it, thxx-

I am clearly the most adept to be answering such a question, because I am regularly called all three. I have also been labelled as 'Adonis-like', 'Majestic', and 'a liar'.

Ok, let's consider the connotations. Handsome is fine, but it's probably also the word your Nan would use to describe you (Rule number one of pulling boys: never do anything that makes him think of his nan). Handsome sounds like something you might admire from a distance. A horse, for example. It's an acknowledgement of beauty, rather than a declared interest.

Cute can work both ways. You have to be careful how you use it. For example, rabbits are cute, but you wouldn't want to snog one(at least, I hope not). Slightly idiotic and juvenile behaviour can also be classed as cute. It borders on the patronising. But it can also be great to be called cute, because at it's best, it indicates someone thinks you're fit and a nice person.

Hot is different. It's purely looks-based. If you think someone's hot, it's pretty much guaranteed you wouldn't mind sticking your tongue down their throat. This is the exact reaction that boys want. So, it's never a bad thing to be called hot, unless you have a fever or are literally on fire. In which case, you would probably prefer to be showered with water rather than compliments.

So, in summary: number one is hot. It's a lad's best indicator he might get some action, because it's something his Nan would never say, unless she was referring to the heating.

1 comment:

Chele said...

This post was beautiful. It made me giggle a bunch. I agree with what you said though. Hot = best because if someone calls you cute it could throw you off into thinking they just aren't that into you.