Friday, 4 April 2008

younger boys and lazy texters

A huge thank you to the two girls who sent in these questions, if you have any boy queries, feel free to send them to

Q) I'm 17, is it weird for me to fancy a boy who's two years younger than me?
A) It's not weird to fancy anyone. Younger boys, older girls, fit teachers, sexy sheep (actually that is weird, unless you're a sheep). You can't help who you fancy. So if some fresh-faced Year 10 hunk is floating your boat, fine. There's nothing wrong with you. True, it's more common for younger girls to go with older lads than the other way round, but that's because most younger lads are annoying, childish gimp-rats. And your lad is different.

Or is he?

Make sure you consider his motives.
For a 15-year-old lad, pulling any girl over 16 gives him more street cred than scoring the winner in the FA Cup Final and on the same day finding out he's been declared head of Tokyo's most feared Yakuza family. Way cool. So make sure he's not just interested because it makes him look gangsta. Plus, he might not be as mature as he seems - although you'll work that out soon enough when he tries to fart on your head for a laugh. He could also be less 'experienced' than you - you know what I mean. And he's more likely to worship the ground you walk on, which could be a good or a bad thing. But you won't know till you've tried, so by all means give him a shot.

Oh, and by the way - if you do go out with this lad, it will be illegal for the two of you have sex because he's underage.

But I'm sure you guys would never have dreamed of doing that.

Q) What does it mean when every time I text a guy he leaves a 2 or 3 day gap before replying back?
A) A possible reason he's so slack is that he's not bothered about it. He received your text, forgot about it pretty much instantly, then a few days later, out of politeness, sent a token reply while he was bored and sitting on a bus.

You're an after-thought. A mild inconvenience. Possibly. But not necessarily…

There are two other key factors: 1) the regularity of your own texting; 2) the nature of his replies. If they seem dismissive, that's bad.

But if they're thoughtful or funny - or contain questions designed to keep the chat going - you may be in luck.

Now I think about it, there are lots of possibilities…

1) He's semi-interested and is just taking it slow while he figures you out.

2) He's a serially lazy texter. Ask his mates about his normal speed.

3) He is crazy about you but has low texting self-esteem; meaning he's so keen to impress you that it takes him at least two days to concoct a message that he deems suitably witty.

4) He only texts you when it suits him (i.e. when he wants to see you).

5) He kind of likes you but he's also text-flirting with various other girls and replies to you all on a rota system.

6) He fancies you but is intentionally appearing aloof and/or mysterious to keep you interested (this is more likely if you leave similar gaps between replying to him).

7) He has huge, furry hands and it takes him hours to write a text (this is more likely if he's a bear).

8) He's tight and/or skint and only wants to use his credit when absolutely necessary.

9) He's slightly deranged and regularly crawls into ditches and remains there for 2/3 days.

FYI, from that list, number 6 is most likely. Lots of lads like to "play it cool" - because it often works.

So, in summary, I've probably just confused you even more. Sorry. Maybe you should call and ask him?

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