Sunday, 10 February 2008


okay. things have been a little crazy past week or so.

read: coming to terms with last saturday's post. o.0 cryptic.

also, work has been a bit hectic, as i haven't been for quite a few weeks and need to get back on track with things, which is a lot more difficult than it should be. and it's annoying because i have all new people to work with (as uh, 'patients'? and there's a new physio) and i miss some of the old ones i had, some of them were loads of fun and i hope i see them again, hopefully outside of the physio world, as that would mean they're injured again! and yeah, the new physio guy is pretty cool though, about my age (21, 22 i think, i didn't ask) and newly qualified, he's from hull so has a funny accent but is otherwise coolio.

allllllso: big surprise yesterday, my cousin rosa turned up because she couldn't come for the wedding due to work commitments and stuff (she's a journalist for some newspaper in verona), and will be hanging around for a week or two, which is good because we can really catch up. i haven't seen her for almost a year, i think, and not really talked to her for 2 or 3, and she's loads of fun which is great. also: she came with her girlfriend(read: wife/partner, but italy doesn't approve very much of same-sex marriage/civil union) who is also a bundle of fun and ah. omg. she's SO pretty(not as pretty as Laura, thankfully =D) but ee, she's seriously pretty though. rosa's pretty much gorgeous too, but i don't think i should say that because she's my cousin? :\

so. yeah. awkward.


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