Saturday, 21 June 2008







Saturday, 7 June 2008

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Is it okay to be mates with a guy you used to date?

In theory, guys you used to date could be brilliant mates. And centipedes could be brilliant footballers. In theory.

The harsh reality is that centipedes are embarrassingly bad at football, no matter how many legs they've got. And it can be hard to stay friends with an ex, no matter how much you like them. An amicable break-up is always preferable to a bitter shouting match that ends with you letting down the tires on his car. But often the end result is the same. you lose contact.

Even if you intend to be friends, it's all too easy to drift apart. Plus you have to contend with the green-eyed monster. I mean jealousy, not the gigantic mutant moth that lives inside my wardrobe. If you can handle seeing your ex with his tongue inside another girl's face, fine. But a more common reaction is a sudden urge to let down the tires on his car. And maybe tamper with the brakes while you're at it.

This is a shame, because there are various advantages to keeping an ex sweet - damage limitation for one. If you're still mates he's less likely to spread rumours, or tell people about your weird obsessive phobia of moths.

But more importantly, your ex knows you better than most - and a good friendship is always worth fighting for.

Staying friends with an ex is definitely ok but, like teaching centipedes the offside rule, it's easier said than done.